E-Connect @ Faith

About E-Connect: a Transformational Ministry Process

In September 2022 our congregation voted to participate in the E-Connect process offered through our Indiana Kentucky Synod.  We began our first of four 'links' or training workshops in October, 2022.  This process is a 2 year ministry, with a 6 month follow up.  E-connect is made possible by a Lilly Endowment Thriving Congregation Grant. With each link our team members and congregation are given tasks or assignments to help us carry out the transformation. We encourage you to join in and participate as you are able. Thank you for keeping this process and our congregation in your prayers! 

What we'll Learn & Experience as individuals and a congregation: 

• Connecting—Connect with Jesus, one another, and the world • Growing spiritually—Deepened faith, strengthened commitment, and rediscover your purpose • Telling your story—Discover how God’s story and your story converge to reshape community • Discovering gifts and assets—Assess and utilize your God-given gifts, in loving service to Christ and neighbor • Leading through change—Change is hard, but essential for the church to grow. Learn how to lead through healthy change • Action planning—Learn basic principles of congregational renewal and develop a faith action plan • Building Teams—Develop as well-formed and effective equippers and encouragers

Desired Outcomes: 

• At the very heart, the E-Connect process is centered in the belief that God has provided everything that a congregation needs to carry out the ministry God intends for it • Through the work of the Spirit, congregational members will become energized about the Good News of Jesus Christ and passionate about sharing and living the Gospel • Teams learn the basic principles of congregational health and renewal and engage in a missional plan for moving forward

E-Connect Team Members

Mentor: Ed Furtig

Dena Deal

Karen Gruntman

Pr. Jes King

Janae Kline

Christ Shively

Karen Steffensen

Carla Yoder

Barry Younghans

We are a congregation in transformational ministry which involves both spiritual and structural transformation.  We strive to live out God's vision for our congregation, our community and our world. 

We CONNECT with Jesus, one another and the world by lining up our congregation's purpose, identity and mission with God's vision and plan.

We RENEW our congregation by linking gifts that God has given us with God's vision for the world.  We CELEBRATE and make use of what we have, rather than focus on and lament what we lack. 

E-connect is an ecumenical ministry in Indiana and Kentucky with participants from ELCA, Episcopal, Presbyterian and United Church of Christ congregations.

We will find energy, purpose and direction through God's work- prayer, conversation and faith practices.  We will navigate change calmly, confidently and effectively.

Our congregation will grow being grounded  in Bible study, prayer, discussion, action and reflection as we engage in this 2 year process.