Our Story

Faith is a congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA).  

We are a liturgical church, offering a variety of ways to worship

yet holding true to our Lutheran heritage.  

Faith Lutheran began as a multi-site congregation in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), formed from two congregations with rich histories of ministry and mission in Goshen. In March of 2012, the pastors of First English Lutheran (406 S 5th St) and Trinity Lutheran (202 S. Greene Rd) began a conversation about what it would look like to fulfill the missions of our congregations more effectively and with greater impact for our members and the community of Goshen as a multi-site congregation. This conversation lead to months of prayerful conversations and contemplation by the Church Councils and congregations.

In May of 2013, First English and Trinity began an engagement period, testing what this relationship together could look like. After these months of engagement, the congregations of First English Lutheran and Trinity Lutheran gathered together for a special congregational meeting on November 24, 2013 to discuss and vote on a resolution for the two congregations to consolidate as one multi-site congregation in Goshen. The resolution was passed. On March 16, 2014 the two congregations voted to become Faith Lutheran and officially became a congregation of the ELCA in April of 2014.

After operating as a multi-site congregation, Faith identified that our mission and ministry would best be lived out together, in one site.  The church council made a recommendation to the members of Faith to move to one building.  That recommendation was voted on and passed November 11, 2018.  After many conversations, listening posts, meetings and much research the council made the recommendation to move to 202 S. Greene Road and sell the building at 406 S. 5th Street, which the congregation voted in agreement on  May 5, 2019.  A special closing worship service was held at 406 S. 5th Street on June 16, 2019.  

Faith is now a single site congregation excited to live out our purpose of

sharing Christ's love with all through word and action.

10th Anniversary

We celebrated our 10 year Anniversary on Sunday March 17, 2024

with a special worship service & luncheon.

The video below was shown in worship.  Our members share their memories of the past 10 years, reasons they worship at Faith, and their hopes for our future together.