Visiting Faith?

We know that visiting any church for the first time can be confusing.  We want to help put your mind at ease so that your first time being with us is welcoming and enjoyable. 

We pray that whether you are searching for answers, just visiting when in town, or looking for a place to belong, you know that you are welcome at Faith.

Come as you are

We invite you to come as you are.  You will see some people in their Sunday best and others in jeans and a nice shirt.  Wear whatever is comfortable for you.

children in worship

We know that children giggle and wiggle.  They walk and they run.  They play in the pews and they talk in quiet moments.  They also sing, pray, and praise God with us as fellow children of God.

At Faith we encourage and welcome children to be in worship.  We do have a nursery space available directly off the sanctuary, with a window to watch worship and speakers to hear what is going on.


We celebrate Holy Communion weekly at Faith as we believe that we need this sacrament; Christ's forgiveness and grace poured out for us.

We believe that all are welcomed to receive communion.  With that said, we do encourage children to take a First Communion class prior to taking communion.


We are a liturgical church, meaning we follow a pattern for worship. This pattern of worship involves the people who are gathered in an active way within the service.  

Our service has four main parts; the Gathering, the Word, the Meal, and the Sending.  Each part of worship connects us to God through prayer, singing, and scripture.


Sunday mornings are the heart and soul of our life together at Faith, as this is when our community gathers in its fullest to deepen our relationship with God and one another.  It is when we fellowship, share stories of the past week, see old friends and make new ones, praise God, pray, and are nourished with God's grace and love.

Following worship each week we have a Fellowship Hour where refreshments are served.